It's a Three Thing Game post!
You may have read about this on several other blogs (see for more, I'm not goign to list them here :P) and Rob Miles's blog, well I'm not one to break a trend. MORE
Danny)... MORE
You may have read about this on several other blogs (see for more, I'm not goign to list them here :P) and Rob Miles's blog, well I'm not one to break a trend. MORE
My email address is now up and running. It forwards it to an email account not with my domain registrar (Go Daddy). I was having trouble with it as the DNS records are not controlled by Go Daddy, they're with WordPress who handle the blog. I found the MX records had to be changed on WordPress in order for the email received at to be directed to my new forwarding address. MORE
I've just implemented two social features in my Sweepy Cleaner game. I'm gunna help you add these simple features in C# XNA. MORE
Just wanted to give a shameless plug for my A-Level Film Studies project 'Journey to the Edge'. I'm really proud of what Martyn (co-director), Charlie (actor) and I achieved, the scope was nothing We'd seen at A-Level standard before. MORE
My friend Simon has a HP laptop with shortcut keys on the far left side of the keyboard (pictured above). He doesn't seem to mind this, but my other friend Danny (website here :D) and I have found this very annoying. MORE