GOG.com recently and it's a great nostalgia trip. The best thing about buying it from GOG is that it works great on Windows 7, I haven't had a problem so far with compatibility. MORE
April 6th, 2012
Something that's been taking up a lot of my time recently is Sweepy Cleaner. I haven't posted much as I don't want to give away a lot of the content before people see it in action. However this level has been annoying me so much I've just got to post about it. MORE
April 3rd, 2012
Today was what I hope to be the last arrival of parts for the new computer before I start building next week. Today I got: MORE
March 31st, 2012
Just a quick post to show you the new parts I got today. MORE
March 29th, 2012
The graphics card arrived today. I went for a EVGA Nvidia GTX570 HD Superclocked. I know I was told I should just get the GTX 560 TI but I couldn't resist going a bit further for the 570. I don't want to have to change graphics cards for a while so I thought it would be better to get the best I could now rather than wait and spend more money later. MORE
March 28th, 2012
Most of the parts for my new computer build arrived today. They were… MORE
March 23rd, 2012
For about a year and a half I've always wanted to make a text-based adventure game. Now I have finally come round to starting one. I don't know if I'll be able to carry the story, but building the systems to make the classic text-based adventure game is fun. I'm using Windows Presentation Foundation in C#. For example, I'm using dictionaries to store data about enemies (health, magica, strength, weapon etc.) and weapons (damage, value etc). MORE