June 15th, 2012
One of the features of the Cheap Ass Gamer app I've spent a lot of time on is the podcast controls. A progress bar is really useful to the user to instantly get an idea of how long the track is and how far they are in to it. To my knowledge, there is no in-built functions for creating an audio progress bar. With help from the internet, this is how I got my progress bar working. I'm of course using Silverlight for Windows Phone in C#. MORE
June 14th, 2012
Time for an update to my previously mentioned Cheap Ass Gamer App. I've been doing a lot of work to the user interface of the app, as the functions have been implemented since my last blog post about the app and are working fine (I think). The UI is important in a app like this, as it's all about accessing content easily. MORE
June 8th, 2012
I've finally finished Mass Effect 3, here's my review in bullet points as it comes to me (spoilers ahead): MORE
June 7th, 2012
Today I attended the Windows 8 Student Developer Camp at Hull University. It's all about developing apps for Microsoft's latest Operating System. It covered several topics such as: MORE
May 27th, 2012
The Electronics Entertainment Expo is just around the corner, here are my thoughts on what I'm interested in seeing. MORE
May 23rd, 2012
I posted a while back about a film made by Martyn Hunter and I for our A2 Coursework for Film Studies. Apparently Martyn's mum submitted it to a film festival and its going to be shown! MORE
May 10th, 2012
My first app on the Windows Phone Marketplace was the CAG RSS reader. I had little knowledge of mobile apps or Silverlight at the time so almost all of the app was code from MSDN. I was meaning to update the app to not be so plain and simple-featured. Now, over 3 months later, I have the ability to do this. MORE
May 6th, 2012
Sweepy Cleaner is finished and submitted to both the Windows Phone marketplace and my University. As coursework, I got 98% which is really good and I'm very pleased with my grade and how my demonstration went. MORE
May 4th, 2012
So The Elder Scrolls Online has been announced, and I reckon I must have went through the whole Kübler-Ross model. ZeniMax have followed the carrot on a stick to the MMO genre. I suppose it's far better than going CoD and just making a TES with multiplayer (I'm looking at you ME3 and Bioshock 2). Now that I'm in the acceptance stage, I can see the great potential this game could have. MORE
May 3rd, 2012
A.K.A - Avengers: not a Loki affair ...yeah (Minor spoilers ahead maybe) MORE