Kuler Touch is available now!

Kuler in the Store

The fastest submission process I’ve had yet (just 5 hours), Kuler Touch is now on the Windows 8 Store!

”Discover and create colour themes that can inspire any project with Kuler Touch. No matter what you’re creating, with Kuler Touch you can experiment quickly with colour variations and browse thousands of themes from the Adobe Kuler community.”

Download it here

It’s been a lot of work recently to get it finished. I wanted it done before the bulk of coursework came my way. The main features:

  • View thousands of themes from the Kuler community.
  • Favourite the themes you love the most.
  • Create your own themes or edit ones that others have made.
  • Optimized for touch and Windows 8 - better than the Kuler website.
  • Search and share themes with Windows 8 charms.
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Please download, rate & review it, thanks!