

Flashdeck is an app for Windows Phone 7/8, developed in C# and XAML. A revision helper and learning aide, Flashdeck is a powerful and easy-to-use digital flashcards app. A flashcard is simply a card with a question on one side and an answer on the other.


  • View your card decks and navigate them with both buttons and touch gestures.
  • You can shuffle cards or flag cards/decks to mark them as important, you can also view flagged ones separately.
  • It’s really simple to add and edit cards and rename decks.
  • If you want to quickly find a deck or card, use the search feature, even search for specific questions or answers by word or phrase.
  • Take quizzes to test yourself on the flashcards. Flashdeck will keep track of your results so you can see how you progress.
  • Easily access your most recent decks from the main menu. You can even pin decks to the Windows Phone start screen.
  • Flashdeck is fully compatible with Windows Phone colour schemes including light/dark themes.

Flashdeck screenshot Flashdeck screenshot The main menu and welcome introduction

Flashdeck screenshot Flashdeck screenshot Important decks can be flagged

Flashdeck screenshot Flashdeck screenshot Viewing a deck and editing a flashcard

Flashdeck screenshot Flashdeck screenshot Test yourself and keep track of the results

Flashdeck screenshot Flashdeck screenshot Search through decks and get hints too